Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Harry Potter and the Most Terrible News Ever T_T

With my Lenten reading fast1 over, I was eagerly looking forward to reading some secular books. My sisters and I had a Potter movie-thon a while ago, and that got me craving some Harry Potter, so the first thing I decided to read this Easter season was The Sorcerer's Stone. I started it today, and already I'm halfway done.
That's not the bad news.
This is: It's falling apart! My first edition hardback, which has been read well over thirty times2 is coming apart at the seams. The spine and the pages no longer imparentato3.

Saddest sight
I just realized that the title of this post might have freaked some of you out. You might have clicked it with the expectations of an obituary or the announcement of a new ending to the Harry Potter movie saga. But the only news, aside from the release date of book 8, Harry Potter and the Aurors of Darkness4, is that my favorite series is falling apart.

i am
zombie girrrl
& i need glue

1  I gave up reading secular, or non-Christian, books for Lent. It was a pretty rewarding expeirnce and I'll be reading more Christian books regularly.
2  I have three sisters. We share this series. We all reread it in its entirety before the release of a new volume. 4 x 7 + bonus reads = a whole lot. We are Potter heads.
3  Itialano for "connected", something which no longer describes the spine and pages of this book.
4 Just kidding. There's not going to be an 8th book. But wasn't that a cool title?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Prayer Request

I'm breaking my Holy Week hiatus for one reason only, and that is to ask you all to join me and countless other Catholics in praying the most powerful prayer in existence, the Rosary, on one of the holiest days of the Church year, Good Friday.
Imagine what might happen if every Catholic in the world would pray a Rosary on the same day! We have an example in October of 1573, when Europe was saved from the invasion of the mighty Turkish fleet, by the praying of the Rosary by all Christians!
So, on Good Friday, let us all pray a Rosary for peace in the world and the return of moral values into our communities. If possible, please pray your Rosary between Noon and 3:00 p.m.
Please pass this message to every Catholic on you know, and ask them to pass it along to every Catholic they know. Let's unite in praying one of the most powerful prayers in existence, for these intentions, on one of the holiest days in our Church year.
Thank you! I hope you will join me in seeking the intercession of our Blessed Mother for these intentions.

Have a blessed Triduum and a glorious Easter.

i am
zombie girrrl
& i pray
for you

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week Hiatus

I haven't had time recently to post anything, and I'm going to have less time until after Easter, so I'll make it official. I'm going on a blog hiatus for Holy Week, the most blessed week of the whole liturgucal year.
So, have a blessed Holy Week, and may this season draw you closer to Jesus and eternity in His Kingdom!

i am
zombie girrl
and this is
my time of year

Monday, April 4, 2011

Daily Dose the Third

Shadows of Shadows of Shadows

Gale and Peeta Have Been Given a Dye Job

I'm not really the type to follow movie news, but this needed to be posted because the casting folks got their hair backwards. Josh is going to play the blondey Peeta, and Liam is going to play the raven-haired Gale. But don't worry about them having the opposite hair color from the characters they're going to portray, because I fixed it.
Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson
I gotta say, Liam makes a better brunette than Josh does a blonde. Also, why is Josh's forehead so big?! Whoops. Hopefully the hair and makeup people will do a better job than I did.

I am
Zombie Girrrl
& I am bad at scalping

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Five

You know you've fallen behind on posting when your F5s are practically cheek-to-cheek, but...
  1. Going to Stations of the Cross with my family tonight, just like every Friday of Lent. My patron saint is Saint Veronica, the woman who "flouted the Romans" by stepping out of the crowd and wiping Jesus' face as He struggled to carry His Cross to Calvary, which is depicted in the sixth Station. I love the Stations, which is part of the reason I chose St. Veronica; the other reason is that she helped Jesus, she showed Him love when he needed it the most, and for that I love her enough that I wish to be like her. If you haven't experienced this traditional devotion for yourself, I suggest you do. It gives you a whole new appreciation of the Passion. And it doesn't matter what denomination you are; if you love Christ, then take the time to walk the Way of Sorrow with Him.
  2. My current obsession is origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. So far I've made a tulip, an ugly lily (didn't turn out as it should have), a dove, and a flock of orizuru (cranes). I can now make a crane without consulting a diagram! I find all of the patterns, along with some handy photos and links to instructions, at Origami, a blog devoted entirely to origami. What else.
  3. Lenten Reading Fast update: I have begun reading Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen and it is a-mazing! I want to quote it at least every other page. I'm only to the second chapter, but he's already blown my mind a bit with his explanation of eternity. Not an easy concept to grasp as we are finite creatures who cannot wrap our minds fully around what eternity is, but it was fun to read about. The reason he was trying to explain eternity: the prologue to the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word, etc." It's not like he's shown me anything new, but he's helped me to see it more clearly, which is perhaps even better.
  4. I volunteered at the food bank on Monday with my dad and two of my three sisters. It was a lot of fun. Everyone there was so nice. We helped 245 people, a new record for that food bank. I'm really looking forward to going again next month (the FB only operates once a  month). I wish I could write more about that experience, but anything else I could say would come off as either boastful or sickeningly sentimental. Sometimes you have such a good time doing something good that words just can't do it justice.
  5. Tomorrow is a very busy day at church and beyond. First is Mass, then a brunch followed by a Lenten reflection, Reconciliation (part of the First Saturday Devotion), then the newly Confirmed are doing a service project. Oh, yeah! My Confirmation kids were Cofirmed last Saturday! Hurray!!! (I think I saw my librarian there, too...) The Cofirmation Mass was one of the proudest, most humbling, happiest yet at the same time sad events of my life. Proud because God had called me to work with these amazing kids; humbling because I didn't really have anything to do with their being up there, they were called by God to join His Church; happy because they're now as fully incorporated into the Body of Christ as they will be on this earth; and sad because my time as their catechist is over. I'm going to miss having them as a class.

I am
Zombie Girrrl
& I gotta
go or I'll
be late for
Sations of the Cross
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Blank Spaces Have Great Potential...