Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Harry Potter and the Most Terrible News Ever T_T

With my Lenten reading fast1 over, I was eagerly looking forward to reading some secular books. My sisters and I had a Potter movie-thon a while ago, and that got me craving some Harry Potter, so the first thing I decided to read this Easter season was The Sorcerer's Stone. I started it today, and already I'm halfway done.
That's not the bad news.
This is: It's falling apart! My first edition hardback, which has been read well over thirty times2 is coming apart at the seams. The spine and the pages no longer imparentato3.

Saddest sight
I just realized that the title of this post might have freaked some of you out. You might have clicked it with the expectations of an obituary or the announcement of a new ending to the Harry Potter movie saga. But the only news, aside from the release date of book 8, Harry Potter and the Aurors of Darkness4, is that my favorite series is falling apart.

i am
zombie girrrl
& i need glue

1  I gave up reading secular, or non-Christian, books for Lent. It was a pretty rewarding expeirnce and I'll be reading more Christian books regularly.
2  I have three sisters. We share this series. We all reread it in its entirety before the release of a new volume. 4 x 7 + bonus reads = a whole lot. We are Potter heads.
3  Itialano for "connected", something which no longer describes the spine and pages of this book.
4 Just kidding. There's not going to be an 8th book. But wasn't that a cool title?


Eli said...

D: My first editions of book 1 and 3 fell apart years ago. I was in Middle school, actually, when it happened (I'm in college now). >__> The little kid me hot glued them back together... yeaaaaah. It's not a lasting solution...

Zombie Girrrl said...

Okay, so hot glue is out. I wonder if I can get book glue...? I'm sorry that happened to middle-school-you, it's very traumatic. :'(

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