Debut Author Challenge:

The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year. I [The Story Siren] am going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels!
And I [Zombie Girrrl] accept the challenge to read 12 debut author books!
The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010
My 12 DAC Books Will Be:2
4. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
5. The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
6. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
7. Prophecy of Days by Christy Raedeke
8. These Bones by Steph Bowe
9. Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
10. A Love Story: Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
11. Fire Spell by Chloe Niell
12. Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis
13. Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
14.2 Under My Skin by Judith Graves
I'm really excited about these titles, especially Hunger. I mean, a teen girl with anorexia becoming the new Famine of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Someone's been thinking outside the box! Seriously, though, all these sound so good! It's going to be great year for YA.
Bottoms Up Challenge:
The Low Down: The Bottoms Up Challenge is simple. Each month, take 2-3 titles off the bottom and read them. So that would be...let's see...12-36 books in a year's time. That should make a dent. If you would like to participate, leave your name in the comments or send Elie an email. You can post the button and your goal if you are a blogger!
There will be prizes, such as $1 in the form of a GC for every book I read. If I reach my goal, which is 3 off the bottom per month, someone could win a $36 GC. Plus, at different times during the challenge year, Elie will be giving away some of the titles I conquer that I think you might like!
This one's kinda perfect for me because I have a terrible habit of letting books just sit and sit and sit. I have a long list of books that I've been meaning to read but just never got around.
My goal is pull 2 neglected books to the top of my each month.
Support Your Library Challenge:

The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year. I [The Story Siren] am going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels!
And I [Zombie Girrrl] accept the challenge to read 12 debut author books!
The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010
My 12 DAC Books Will Be:2
1. Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler
2. The Line by Teri Hall
3. Other by Karen Kincy4. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
5. The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
6. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
7. Prophecy of Days by Christy Raedeke
8. These Bones by Steph Bowe
9. Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
10. A Love Story: Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
11. Fire Spell by Chloe Niell
12. Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis
13. Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
14.2 Under My Skin by Judith Graves
I'm really excited about these titles, especially Hunger. I mean, a teen girl with anorexia becoming the new Famine of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Someone's been thinking outside the box! Seriously, though, all these sound so good! It's going to be great year for YA.
Bottoms Up Challenge:
The Low Down: The Bottoms Up Challenge is simple. Each month, take 2-3 titles off the bottom and read them. So that would be...let's see...12-36 books in a year's time. That should make a dent. If you would like to participate, leave your name in the comments or send Elie an email. You can post the button and your goal if you are a blogger!
There will be prizes, such as $1 in the form of a GC for every book I read. If I reach my goal, which is 3 off the bottom per month, someone could win a $36 GC. Plus, at different times during the challenge year, Elie will be giving away some of the titles I conquer that I think you might like!

My goal is pull 2 neglected books to the top of my each month.
Happy Reading,
Zombie Girrrl
1 Debut Author books will be marked DAC. Library Challenge books will be marked LC. Bottoms Up Challenge books will be marked BU.
2 Now, I know what your saying to yourselves right, "But, ZG, there's 14 books on that list! Have you forgotten how to count?" Well, this is my tentative list, and it is subject to change. In fact, it's practically guaranteed to change. I worked on this list for a couple of weeks, but I kept finding more and more titles, so I've decided to give myself a longer list to pull from. If I'm lucky, I'll get them all, but it's far more likely that end up reading just twelve of these amazing tiltes.
I'm participating in these three challenges as well, good luck with your reading this year!
Man, I love readers : ) Thanks so much for supporting debut authors (and choosing PARANORMALCY!), and for supporting libraries, and for supporting book awesomeness in general!
(Also, my apologies to other book bloggers, but I think you have hands down the best blog name...HA!)
I am glad you decided to participate. If you email me at zenfoxflowerATyahooDOTcom, I will send you a few questions for a brief interview. I am going to feature the challenge participants. Thanks.
I'm so thrilled to see Prophecy of Days on your Debut Challenge list! Thank you!
And by the way, you have the best blog title EVER.
Cheers, Christy
@ Kiersten W & Christy R: Awe, thanks, y'all! I'm psyched for your books! Congrats on being published and awesome!
@ Emily: Good luck w/ all your chalenges this year!
@ Elie: That's so cool! I'll get back to you ASAP.
Welcome to the Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge! Love the library and love this challenge. So glad to have you join.
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